Why? To apply security to a component using only a small subset of user accounts, you must create a group and make those accounts members of the group. Also, if you want to use the user directory feature to help users communicate among themselves, groups help to sort out the various constituencies on your site. See Understand Group Types for more information about Groups.
- Click My Profile. The Login window appears displaying the Site Manager System Tools.
- Click Group Manager. The Group Manager window appears.
- Click Add Group. The Group Editor window appears.
- Type a Group Name and select a Group Type. All other settings are optional. The Description field can be used to provide some notes about the Group to other Site Managers (it is not displayed anywhere else). The Group Prompt field is shown on the user profile for Limited and Debit groups to explain why a user may want to join the group. Select a set of users to Allow User Directory Access To. All users in that set you select will see all contact information for the members of this group. When done, select Next >>. The Group Editor window returns, this time with a list of users at the bottom.
- Select one or more names from the Users list (hold the Ctrl key to select more than one). Then, click the >> button. The names move from the Users list to the Members list. Then, click Submit. The Group Editor window disappears and the Group Manager window refreshes showing your new group.
Note: For Debit groups, the user list boxes define Account Managers rather than group members. Also, additional information must be supplied for a debit group.
Component for this Procedure: Site Security
Minimum Community Center Version: 2
User Role: Site Manager
Procedure Link: http://www.liaa.org/howtoprocedure.asp?howtoid=62