While logged in, if you can see an Add button at the top of a news view, you can add a news article:
Click Add. The News Editor window appears.
- If categories have been configured for this component, you may choose one from the Category list (this will not be an option for components with no categories).
- Provide an article Headline.
- Provide some Key Words from the article if you would like to allow other users to search for your article in the future. You may enter the key words separated by either spaces or commas.
- Type or paste the Body Text for the article. See Editing Text on page 14 for more information about formatting text.
- Verify the Start Date for the article (this is the date the article will first be displayed). If you would like the article to stop being displayed on a certain date, or you would like the article to be deleted on a certain date, provide the End Date.
- Choose an event to occur On End Date. If you did not supply an End Date, then this setting is ignored.
- If you would like registered users to be able to send you a QuickNote by clicking on your name when viewing your article, check the Allow registered users to send me a QuickNote... check box.
- Click Submit. The News Editor window disappears and the news view you started from refreshes to show your article (if your article's start date is within the range shown by the view and articles in this view are not subject to approval).
Component for this Procedure: News
Minimum Community Center Version: 2
User Role: Editor
Procedure Link: http://www.liaa.org/howtoprocedure.asp?howtoid=35